Il borgo

Piazza Spirito Santo

I dati storici riportano che subì il terremoto del 5 febbraio 1783 che distrusse gran parte del tessuto del centro storico provocando danni per 40.000 ducati. In seguito venne ricostruito. Circa duecento anni dopo
subì anche le alluvioni dei primi anni ‘60, che la intaccarono rendendola inagibile. Il Genio Civile fu così costretto a demolirla perché pericolante.

Purtroppo, oggi la cupola si può solo vedere solo in fotografia. La piazza e il rione prendono il nome della chiesetta dello Spirito Santo.

The Church of Spirito Santo was a small chapel with an amazing trullo-shaped dome, dating back to the 11th century Norman Byzantine period, and dedicated to the Holy Spirit. This name was very widespread in the Orthodox Church, and it indicated the presence of monks from the East, fleeing the iconoclast laws issued by Emperor Leo III the Isaurian.

According to historical data, it was damaged by the earthquake of 5 February 1783, which destroyed the majority of the city historical centre, causing over 40,000 ducats of damage, and it was in all rebuilt. Almost two hundred years later, it also suffered the floods of the 1960s, which made it permanently unusable. It had to be demolished, as it was in ruins.

Unfortunately, today the dome can only be seen in pictures from that time. The square and the district are named after this Church of Spirito Santo.